Wednesday 22nd May 2019
Dont forget tomorrow evening is Orienteering at Alderley Edge. Please sign up at ; so I...
RK 3rd Birthday and Winter League Presentation
Next Wednesday (22nd May) we will be celebrating our 3rd birthday and also the winners of the Winter League. We will be meeting by the...
Kit Order Window
If anyone would like to order kit, please go to Sorry there are no pictures as I...
Monday 29th April
The run on Monday night will meet on the corner of Beggarmans Lane and Highland Way - 7.30pm. There will be no S&C (Pain and Torture)...
Those nearly there....
This is the final week for you to get any results in for the Winter League. We will have an option of a timed run on Wednesday and Friday...
League Standings
Current standings for the league that will finish in one week; 1st Jo Lenderyou 2nd Maura Welch 3rd Louise Thomas 4th Rachel Brooke 5th...
Monday night
Monday night run will be Mobberley. Hoping to have 3 groups; 1) With Russ Platt and Dave which will be 7miles at 8m/m pace and including...
Timed Run
There will be an option to do a timed run this eve - including a 10K. If you wish to do this, please be warmed up and ready to go as...
Monday 11 Feb
CHANGE OF PLAN FOR MONDAY EVE We will be running in Knutsford tomorrow eve. There is no one else (that I have asked) that says they are...
Wednesday 30th Jan
I am making the hard decision to cancel tonight. I have been out for a run and there are lots of pockets of snow on the pavement which I...