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Monday 21st Jane

Here is the route for tomorrow - dont forget we are doing approx 45mins of core first in the music room at KLC - if you have a mat please bring it. Then off promptly from neat the front door at KLC at 7.30pm. Please book in - then we may even wait for you if you are a little late!!!

The route.....down to the roundabout and back along Manchester Road, down Tabley Rd, Sugar Pit Lane - turn right at end and donw Garden Road, past Laura Ashley back to the roundabout - along the main A50 and down to Aldi. Up to the Legh Arms and all the way down to Carrwood. Turn left and left donw South Downs to the path at the bottom to Delmar. Turn Right along Down Ends and then up Higher Downs. Right at the top, all the way to the end of Manor Park, turn left along Mobberley Road. Turn left to go past The Builders Arms, cross over along Legh Road. Turn right down Leycester, straight over along Beggarmans and then back to KLC via Blackhill and Bexton Road. 6.77m ish with plenty of places to cut short if desired.

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